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When you changed your relationship status on Facebook. I feel like that's not a thing anymore.


Boy, you haven't seen my mom's friends. No get in there. It gets messy, too. I have a question. Okay.


In the position you're in right now, whatever that be, would you change it to-Complicated?




It would still be single. Yeah. I don't know how this whole dating thing works. I've been single for just seven, eight months, so I don't understand the concept of dating or seeing people. I'm like, What's the right... I'm just psycho. It's either I'm with you or I'm not.


Do you think there's an unwritten rule of being exclusive?


Yeah, I think it's just more like a moral thing, like a moral compass.


But if you don't have the conversation.


If you don't have the conversation, yeah, it's a little rough. It's a little gray area, I think. Because if I was in the other position, I'd be like, fuck. But then it depends on what position I'm in, right?


I'm sure you've done all of them.


Zack. Yeah, what's up? You're annoying today.