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My mom has been divorced twice. The second time it was from a man who originally proposed at a Margaritaville. I just want to know why you think she didn't know that it wasn't going to last.


You know what I mean? But was this a nice Margaritaville? Because there's one in New York that's multiple stories and stuff. Looks like corporate, like Margaritaville HQ. No. It wasn't that one?


Definitely not that one. It wasn't that one. Which one? It was the one in Vegas.


That's pretty cool.


Too, right? I mean, they met three times on eHarmony, and then he flew out and got on one knee on the stage.


Of Margaritaville. Your mom really said, Let me gamble on love right now. And she did not win. She lost. But she should have been on black, right?