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You know what's so funny? I was like, Hey, we're going to do some smaller East Coast shows. We're going to do New York, Boston, New Haven, and some other things.


He sent me a fucking paragraph.


This is what she said. We're supposed to do that. It's like a test for Live Nation who put on a great podcast event. She's like, Zack. I'm like, What? I can't go. Why can't you go to the live shows on the East Coast? Well, my parents are gone, and nobody's going to be able to watch Sugar. I'm like...


It's a good excuse. I don't trust people with Sugar.


I'm like, You mean you can't expand your business because know what that says about me?


How much I love my dog. So fuck off. What about... See this? I don't have your name tattooed. Yeah, you do. No, I don't.


Stop it. Yeah, but you call me Sugar as well.


I don't call you.