Transcribe your podcast

Say, Neza and I have been in a-absolutely not.four-year relationship.


We want to come to you and speak about our relationship. What's the issue? We'll bring it up.


That right there, that's the issue. His hot fucking temper.


That's the issue. Is it your narcissism? Is that why we're entering Frannie couple therapy. It's your narcissism.


I can't deal with it. You see what I mean? She attacks me all the time, and I don't know what to do. The thing is, she comes home from work. Are you going to cry? Sometimes when you love someone, you have emotions. You've got to understand that.


Well, yeah, you guys have been on quite the journey with these dating shows.


Yeah, we've been on-Have you ever been chosen?


No, no, no.


Okay, okay. I find it distasteful on your part. Oh, interesting. How many dating shows we've been on together? Maybe eight. Yeah, maybe eight. Why have you not chosen me once?


I don't know. Let's run a clip of your answer.