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I actually want to know, though, what's you all's go-to dance move, though, in the club? You all got to have something.


Oh, dude, I'm full-on hitch. I keep it right here. Just two-step, snap to the beat. Really? If I try to bust a move, I'm going to bust my ass.


Whenever it's a really good song on and all the girls rush to the dance floor, I rush to the bar and I do the little sprinkle-dinkle. Jesus.


I did not think he was going to take it there. I thought he was going to be like, Yeah, I go to the bar because it's completely free. No one's there. That's a crazy jump. Oh, no, no, no.


That's a crazy jump. I hurt people for my own enjoyment. I have a question.


About Bill Cosby? No.