Transcribe your podcast

You guys are exotically moving your bodies under or over some sheets. And were the lights on?




Do you ever not know where you're going?


Sometimes you feel around like a blind person, and then you get a sense of the map.


Do you want to take it from here?


We fall asleep. I am probably one of the heaviest sleepers that I know. I am also a bad snore. I wake up quite early and I look to my left and she's not there.


The female you had coed is with the night before?


Yes. I wake up, she's not there and then I'm staying awake. I'm like, Oh, maybe she just went to the bathroom or something. I would say about 15 minutes passed. I'm just scrolling on my phone. She still hasn't come back. So I get up and I walk out into her living room and there she is dead asleep on the couch.


And this was because of your snoring? Yes. Do you think this is one of God's punishments? For what? To your parents being a lesbian?


I'd like to think not.