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I'm constantly late to everything. That's my biggest pet peeve. Fred Flag. If you're making me late to things, that's my biggest thing. It's like, Hey, I got to be at this thing. Do you want to come with me? And they show up late. I'm like, I'm supposed to be at this.


I do not like that. I think it becomes disrespectful at one point.


I actually just tell my girlfriend 20 minutes earlier than we're actually going to leave. I tell her that's when we're leaving. So smart.


That works out. Jared's like my girlfriend minus the sex.


I'm not that late.


You have a bowel movement anytime I need to be somewhere on time.


Because I can't poop in public, so I have the moment we're leaving.


You're like, I got to go to the gym.


Because then I get nervous.


No, I relate. I relate. I get nervous shits all the time. Like a guy, I have to take anti-diarrheia pills around him because I.