Transcribe your podcast

What are you insecure about, Zack?


I'm insecure about you not being able to watch movies last night with your best friend.How did you know that?I know everything. Jared is seeing Tara's best friend where he talked about it on the podcast.


Last night, it was her last night here, and all I wanted to do is watch a movie with her.Okay.God forbid, none of you right now.Oh, my goodness. And so I sat on the couch and honestly cried.So.


Jared goes over there just to...Do.


You hear it?Yeah.Do you hear it?Yeah. That TV was turned up high, brother.


I'll be ear to the door. I love to know the hotel always hoping for it.


You got to. You get a new ringtone. Not when it's your best friend and your co-host.