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When I went on the Queen Mary, a door opened as I was saying something, and then we closed it and it opened again. I'm like, I can't make that shit up. Obviously, maybe it's an old door. But I want to not believe so bad. But there are little things that I'm like...


Same thing happens to me when I... You guys aren't going to believe this, so just go ahead and whatever. It's happened a few times, but this is my ghost experience. I'll go to the supermarket and I'll step up to the doors and they just open. You are so dumb. No, dude, I'm being dead serious right now. You listen to her and you didn't say a, you got to be an a-hole about it because your truth is automatic sliding doors.


What? They have sensors, Zack.


Yeah, I'm sensitive about this, so if you could chill.