Transcribe your podcast

What about you?


Virgin. Never had sex.


But if you were to use it.


Anything-i'd probably use that Dyson that I'm looking at right there. The tube? Just the tube, yeah. I don't think it would fit in there. Alyssa, if you were to have.


Sex with someone, would you rather it be the shower cap, the sneakers, or someone shove.


A vacuum up you?


I feel like the most comfortable is the shower cap. But I don't think any of.


Them-i think she's hitting on me. Yeah. Is that what that is? Can you wipe up your chair and we move on this podcast?


What? Just like you in school, right? Yeah. Slide off of that.


We call her our little snale.


We always know where she's been because she leaves a trail.