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Do you guys believe in mediums and things like that? I'm more of a large. I've heard rumors. I heard you got a hammer on you. Who said that? Tara Yumi. That's a good thing. Congrats. Well, I'm glad we got that out there. Of course. My ex does not say the same thing about me. We just transitioned to probably the hardest point in your life, your third leg. I don't know, is this the dynamic that you guys are used to?What dynamic?Sadness and sex. Yeah, that's a great band name. Which one's Sicks and which one's sadness? Oh, I wonder who is it. She's like, I'm both. I might be sex. I think I'm always horny. Are you? Always.constantly.right now. Anybody in this room you want to... Because we're all open, even our assistant, she's free reign. What? She signed a consent thing before this. That was part of her contract. Yeah, she actually gets paid $5,000 extra. That's a good payment. I never signed anything.Not to my right.Who was that then? The last assistant. That's why she got fired. If you want to keep your job, joking.