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It's so hard to get into the music industry, even if you are talented.


It's easier now because.


Of TikTok. Why, after the first no, were you not like, Well, I'll just.


Hit somebody else up. Because the alternative was going to college and getting an advanced degree. I was like, Hell no. I talked to my parents. I said, Well, what do I do after I graduate? My mom's like, You go to law school or become a doctor? Then I was like, No, not. After the first no, I was like, Dude, I don't care. I'm fine someone else then. There's a lot of people. For some reason, the no's, I get over it. How do you deal with rejection?


I've never dealt with it. Not well. No one's ever said no? No, it's weird. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I'm sure it sucks for you guys. Yeah, it's not good. No, I mean, a lot of no's come your way. You're just looking for the one yes. You got no in your pocket anyways. If you don't ask, that's definitely going to be a no. I just keep on keeping on.