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Sip, sip. I'm okay. You seem like you're angry. I don't want to take a sip from your water bottle. I don't want to take a sip from your chocolate milk. I didn't offer you my chocolate milk.


I'd actually like a little sip.


I have like, lipstick at the tip of it. Yeah? Yeah. Same.


You could finish it if you want.


That is the most psychotic way I've ever seen.


That's the warmest milk I've ever had in the milk. What do you think about that? Why'd you do that?


Why is this not cooled? You're drinking warm milk? It's almost like she heated it up. And you were making fun of me?


I'm almost done with it.


It's repulsive. How long have you been sipping on this? It's not big.


Like an hour?.


I like to sip things. I can't down something.


Oh, that's my favorite. I'll like finishing things really fast.


Okay, change the subject.