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I had a sexual awakening during Coachella. Oh my God. I watched I Spice perform. God, she can throw some ass. What's the sexual awakening that? You like women? No, I had a sexual renaissance. I didn't know asses could move like that. How did it make you feel watching that thing? Fucking turned on. What are you talking about?


That's so weird that you called me after I Spice then. And you're like, Hey, what are you doing tonight, Tara? Isn't that crazy that you did that? Wait, now I know. That's insane.


I'm going to no comment on that.


If we did hook up this weekend, that'd be crazy. Could you imagine if we came back from Coachella being like, Hey, that would be-That would feel so awkward.


Why would that be awkward? We would have taken to make it happen.


Yeah, what would that... Do you think that... Could you imagine? Not a lot. I don't believe that. I feel like if it got down to it, you'd be like, Tara, we can't. Really? What are we talking about here? Are'm not attracted to you like that.


You have said that, and I have told you repeatedly that that was a fucking lie. Look how he's not even looking at you. I can look at her all day. I would love to look at her all day.


Oh, my God.


How do you feel about that? Flattered?


I'm so flattered.