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A lot of people have natures about them that they seem manipulative and dark and bad. And anytime I'm in a room with you, I feel the pure joy of your personified favorite snack for me. What's your favorite snack?


It depends on what the snack is. It depends on what I want, like a nice peanut M&M.


If that makes sense.


You do get peanut M&M vibes. It's because my head's shaped like a peanut.


No, no, no. Are you saying he has a big head? No, Jared. It's when I pop the peanut M&M in my mouth and don't take this as a euphemism at all. This doesn't insinuate any of your nuts being in my mouth. But when I do pop it in my mouth, I do get complete joy. You being around me feels like a peanut M&M in my mouth. That's really sweet.


That was really romantic. I'm going to keep peeing and nutting in your mouth. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


Shout out, our Kelly.