Transcribe your podcast

Everyone was talking about how you have so many beautiful women in your DMs. You know how many times people ask me to look at my DMs to see how many girls are in there? There's none. I have the driest DMs you'll ever see.


I think it's because I'm a safe bet. They look at me as... That's an easy kill. I'm out there, I'm a baby deer on the hunt when they've got their big old shotgun. And you, on the other hand, sir, you are this beautiful elk. They've got these giant horns, and you're intimidating. You are.I don't think so.You are. Even digitally, comes to you, so they got to be more strategic. And for me, I'm just a pigeon. They're shooting out of the sky. Maybe we'll have some dinner, maybe we'll help. You know what I mean? I'm a pass-by guy.I.


Don't know. I think you're very funny, and you're very attractive.