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I want you to give me which one of us would be the best for.


Your mother. Oh, the best for my mother?


You also have to remember that one is also going to be your dad. Oh, God. Something to.


Think about. Because I don't think she would have an opinion, can I say who I would prefer?


I don't think women should ever have opinions, so yeah, you're good. As the Grinch saying that, I always got to prefer.


Go ahead. If I were to pick out of you, Skyler, and Jared, who would be my new stepdad, I would pick Jared. Can I say? Why? I think I know Skyler the least. Then between you two, you would make too many jokes about stepdad jokes. About? Stepdad jokes. And-i don't want to be in the videos. No. Okay. Then Jared, I don't know, he's just so sweet.


He's so love. It's a facade.


It's not a facade. It's not a facade. Two and a half months later, I've been spending so much time with you guys, I still think Jared is just such a sweetheart. I don't understand how you guys are friends.


We're not. Or acquaintances at best.