Transcribe your podcast

I have a few paranormal experiences. The first one, I was, God, I was probably a toddler. I was in the back seat of my mom's car, and I was just talking to myself. And my mom was like, Who are you talking to, buddy? And I said, I'm just talking to grandpa. And my grandpa passed away when my mom was two. So I really had no idea who he was. And she got freaked out. And she's like, well, what is he saying? I was like, he's just telling me he loves me. And then when I was a little bit older, probably around six to eight, somewhere in there, my cousins had a family reunion at their house, and they have a bunch of land in their backyard. And we were playing out there, and I looked out into the tree line, and I saw a man in a suit standing there. And we locked eyes, and he just gave me a very warm smile and then walked behind the trees. I ran over there, and he was gone. Just no evidence of him whatsoever. Then years later, we were moving my grandma into her condo that she has now, and I unpacked their wedding photo.


I was like, That's the man that I saw in the suit. Chills.