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Would you consider yourself Ginger? No, God damn it.


I hate that everyone thinks I'm Ginger.


What's wrong with being Ginger?


Well, because I'm just not. I have brown hair.


It's like strawberry blonde. Okay. He does have some Neanderthal.


What? That's got nothing to do with it, man.


Have you done Ancestry 23 Me?


And what are you?


I am Caucasian. Really? What? Yeah. Italian, Scottish, Irish. All over the board. All those flavors are privileged. I'm then Portuguese. Yeah, you're good. What?


The one thing I say, I say it all the time and you're like, whoa. So you're a Neanderthal? Yeah, I have... Uga Uga?


I have more Neanderthal DNA than 89% of the population. Holy shit.


Holy crap.


Why do you think he always loves mallets? Every time we go out and a dog will try to get a big stick, he'll grab it first, go... You know what I mean? That's because you got the Neanderthal.