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I grew up on Staten Island and we had hedges. We didn't have a fence around the whole front yard. Every summer, every three weeks, he would just cut the hedges. But my dad would just stand there with a chainsaw and just do the top like this. Then we had to pick them all up and it was the worst thing we ever had to do. He was like, All right, Joe, we're going to do the hedges on there. I was like, All right, great. I started saving up my allowance and outsourcing it to my neighbors because I hated raking the hedges so much. My dad, he ran to the store, he comes back and it's just these four younger kids raking. He goes, What are they doing? He's like, I told you to do it. I said,'m pretty hired. My dad's paying the kids because he was paying me my allowance. You're just sitting there with a Capri Sun. This is the life.