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Your girlfriend's gorgeous, by the way.


Oh, thank you. She is very gorgeous. Stop.


Why are you thinking?


I'm not talking to you. I introduced them.


No, you didn't. She was neat, by the way.


We met at my birthday party last year, which actually Zack brought her to. So you stole her from him? No, we were just friends. She was like, We're friends. And he was like, Maybe not. And it was sad. I've heard of that. Then I was like, Why don't you just come over here? I actually didn't even talk to her. I just looked at her and I went...


Is that your go-to move? Does it work because you're Josh.


It was a dark night.


That's not my move.


I feel like it would work.


You think so?


Yeah. I would look and I would see you do that with someone. I'd be like, It makes sense. I get.