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I thought for the longest time that girls had three holes and guys had two holes. What do you mean? For guys, I thought there was the butt hole, and then I thought there was the hole on top of that.Me.Exactly.Oh, your extra butt hole. I had a cyst in my ass that I had to get surgically removed. He had a double butt hole, and he thought everyone had it. Yeah. It wasn't a hole. It was more of a dimple. I went to my mom one day. I was like, Mom, my second hole is fucking killing me. She was like, What are you talking about?


Wait, how old are you? I was 14, I have a second hole.


I thought it was a cute feature.


You know what? You got one, too? I don't know. It's similar. I shattered my tailbone in seventh grade, and my butt crack is like, crooked. It's like the snack that smiles back.