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My mom has texted me and called me about 6,000 times on what day the show is. There's no way. It's the 27th. Then she's like, Then what days will you have the hotel rooms? I'm like, 25th through the 30th. You know what? I'm going to call her right now.


Hey, Annie. Hey, Mom. I was looking at booking my flight, so I was trying to figure out what days you have the hotel room, what airport should I go to.


All that stuff. The 25th through the 30th is when we'll be there and the show is when?


On the 27th. Look at you. See at that other date in my head too. Set up. Just give me the information, kid.


That is the information. And then you can fly into really anywhere in New York that you want to.


Is Jared there the one laughing at me?


100 %. Hi, Ms.


Gina. Hey, Jared, you are on my list because you're acting just like Zak now and there are a lot of dates on my mind here, Mr.


Man. Speaking of dates with a Mr. Man, once you do that, it's like a dad in my life, huh?


Shut up.