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I fucked myself up last night trying to have dietary restrictions. What does that mean? I was like, Man, let me lose a cute little three, cute little seven. I went to In-N-Out, and I see on TikTok, they do the Flying Dutchman burgers. You've seen those ones? That shit was so good. I went and got one, and then I sat to charge my car and I ate that. I was like, One of these? I don't know if that's going to cut it.


That went back through the line with just the most embarrassing shit ever. Can I get one more? I took off my wig so they didn't think I was the same person. I was just like, Hey, can I have a look? He's like, I think I've seen you before. Here?


Like, Yes. Can I have another one? He's like, Yeah. Then I go home and my stomach just starts to blow.