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Are you sick of getting older?




Sure. We're on the fleeting youth. It used to be like, Oh, there's the young guys. Now we're watching the young people frolick. Exactly. I'm sick.


Of it. I'll walk into... I feel like bars are my age, but I'll go into a nightclub just here and there. I'm 100 % the oldest person always in the nightclub. It just reminds me of how old I'm getting. It's really sad. 30 out here is like the new 22.


I saw a really funny tweet about there were like, I met a guy and he's 31. But like a North Carolina 31 where he has a mortgage.


Blaze the Oregon Trail.


Not even that. It's just like wife, kids, family.




What 31 is. They finished it by being like not in LA 31 where the guy's just learning how to make a chicken.