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We should do a darkness retreat together. What is a darkness retreat? A darkness retreat is they get a room.


It's like a big cabin, and they lock out any way a light could come in.


There's a sink, a bathtub, a bed, a yoga mat, and a hole in the wall that's double-sided for them to give you your food.


You sit there for as long as you can.


Before you just go crazy?


Well, you have to do therapy before because you would go crazy if you didn't do the therapy before.


How long were you in there?


I did three days.


Holy shit. In just complete darkness.


Yeah, I didn't know what time it was because when they gave me my food, they gave me meal prep for the you can just ask Mr.


Beast and he'll give you money for doing that, right? You don't have to just do it.


No, I did just want to do.