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I would do cruises out of Texas and I would say that I was gay. It didn't matter how long I was on stage, what I was doing. As soon as I said it, a quarter third of the room just stood up and walked out.


Oh, wow. Okay, I was with the crowd, but I had to use the bathroom. A very inconvenient time. Bladder issues. Okay, so Texas hates you for being gay. They do.


Parts of Texas, not all of Texas. Got you. But what I have noticed is people have more curiosity, and they're not ashamed of their curiosity. They want to actually know. I think men have realized there's some knowledge in there that might be useful for them. Because we have the same goals.


Yeah, we're all trying to pop the hood, find that click-to-a-wrest.


You're a filing cabinet of just horrible, horrible phrases, just ready to like a computer. You put in something and then out to the.


Most disgusting thing. And somehow I still have a better chance to get into heaven. Isn't that wild? I.