Transcribe your podcast

Josh, I'm dying, but I want you to know I'm here. That would be great.


What's an accent?


What are you talking about?


I don't have an accent.


Oh, yeah, you're right. That's my fault.


I don't.


I know, I know.


Do you guys actually think that I have a strong accent?




What if I do? My valley girl.


There you go.


I don't have an accent anymore. Right? That's so weird. I can't believe that I did it in the podcast.


It's kind of like a lacroix. It's got, like, a hint of flavor to it. You know?


I don't think I have an idea.


You remind me of Sofia Vergara.


No way.


Yeah. Yeah.


People tell me that all the time. I love that.


She kind of speaks similarly. You know exactly what she's saying.


But I feel like her accent is way stronger than mine.


I feel like she puts it on a little bit, though.


But is it too way stronger than mine?


No, it's similar. Yeah.


I don't hear any accent when I speak in English. Don't. Like. I remember being like, no one is gonna know that I'm brazilian because I don't have an accent.


Absolutely no one. No one's gonna pick up on this. Not a soul.