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Then I started working at Sephora. Okay, this is just going to be my little gateway to the beauty scene. But it was a Sephora, it's like JC Penny because my parents didn't know I was into makeup because they were like, Don't ask, don't tell. Got you. I would glam in my room, jump out my window. Know what? You snuck out of your house to go to your job? Yes, I don't know how to do it. I'm dedicated work. I would jump out my window, fully painted, go work, come back before I went to the house, wipe off all my makeup in the car, and then be like, Okay, I just worked out shoes today. And you said it like that. I like to think your parents are like, Yeah. Sure you did. Sure you did, man. So yeah, they didn't really actually know I worked at the Sephora.