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In eighth grade, I had a teacher named Mr. Simons. I loved him. He was a really good science teacher. I was sitting next to this guy who I thought was really cute. Mr.


Simons goes, Hey, we're going to do a salt and vinegar test where things that are aged, you just test them, like their pH balance and stuff like that. He was like, Whatever you guys do, don't drink any of this stuff.Of course.Oh.


My God. It doesn't even need to be said. Immediately, the guy that I was sitting next to looks at me and goes, Tara, I dare you drink it.There's no way you listen to him.I had such a big crush on him. I said, Easy. I took a shot of the vinegar. I got Simon's, I drink the vinegar.


He's like, Why would you drink the vinegar? I'm like, Because he told me to. He's like, See, everyone, this is why we don't do what cute boys tell us to do.


Go to the nurse.