Transcribe your podcast

Can I express something that I hope you don't take offense to? Your wonderful fiancee, Mariah, who just sent us donuts. It was very lovely. We really got a sugar rush. We're going to crash 30 minutes into this.


Wait, there's donuts?


Yeah, right behind you. You were standing next to it showing Jared your pubes, remember? Lack of.


Stop, Zack. What? What was that?


Stop it.


You always air out my business on the podcast. I can't walk into a room. It was humiliating.


Zane walked in and I was like, Oh, my God, I ran to her. But you were showing it to Jared. It was not like your boyfriend or something.


No, I got a wax and I'm getting irritated and I was concerned. I'm going to get a donut. Because he's an expert? Yeah, she came to the resident dermatologist.


She trusts you that much, Jared, to show full cooch to you.


It was not full cooch. It was bikini line. Instagram.


Did he see the man in the boat or no? No. What's the man in the boat?


Never heard that.

