Transcribe your podcast

It was June 15th last year, and I DMed you.


I don't usually do this. I feel like not many people... Not to be like, not many people I intrigue me, but I really liked your vibe.


I was like... Dramatic? I'd like watching, and I DMed her saying, Hi, I know we don't know each other.


It's already so creepy.


No, it's not.


But I saw your kidney stone TikTok, and it concerns me so badly because I'm such a hypochondriac to the point where I want to make sure you're okay and you pass to them.


See, I thought...


That was so nice.


When you said creepy, I thought you were going to be like, I want one for a necklace. That's fine.


People did me to make necklaces out of my kidney stone.


Did you see them come out of you?


No. I.