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I like vasectomies because you could always undo them, right?Not.


Always.i'm pretty sure the female one you can undo. No, you can- Because you can untie the tubes, right? But you can't. I think you snipp that shit out.


Maybe you got me there. I think you can undo it.I'm.


Not well-versed in it.I'm pretty sure when you snipp it, it's old.


The only math and science I have to this question is from the office when he's like, I got a vasectomy, it's snipp, snap, snipp, snap. When he's like, I got a reverse vasectomy.


Yeah, same. That's what I was thinking of, too.


If I can believe Michael Scott.


They un-snip, snap his ball set?


That's all I know.


I have no other information. Let us know. You guys give us advice in the comments. Can you undo a.