Transcribe your podcast

I got pulled over on the way here.For what?For simply sitting here and looking priggy. Someone pulled me over, but I'm fucking shaking already late to the pod, which I'm sorry about. He's like, God, I'm sorry. I'm like, Oh, did I do something wrong? He's like, No, God, I'm sorry. I just know my daughter would kill me if I didn't pull you over.That's crazy.Are.


You serious?Wow.


I was like, Is that allowed? He's like, Can I get a picture? I was like, How did you know it was me? He's like, I know your car is pink and your license plate's pretty obvious. He's like, I knew it was you right away, and she never shuts up about you. Then we take a picture. Kelly, your dad, has a picture of me and him.


But I've seen very similar narratives at the beginning of stories that I've watched before.


Oh, no. Sorry, officer. Was he doing anything wrong?