Transcribe your podcast

Exactly. What's the craziest thing you've done to get a girl's attention?


The girl I liked was going to a Paramore concert, and she actually skipped a day of school to be there. But while she was at the concert, I don't remember how I knew this. This is creepy, actually, now that I think about it. I figured out what the text number was to write something on the screen.


How in the hell did you figure that out?


I hope I didn't hack it. That could have been a federal crime.


What Sherlock Holmes super-sloathing did you do? Wait, that's so romantic. What did you write?


We'll call her Gwen. I said, Gwen, will you marry me?


In middle school?


Yeah, but that was like a joke. But it was her full name on there, so she knows it was her.


First and last?


Yeah. I sent it through a few times, and then eventually she found out it was me, and she was like, That was so funny. I was like, Yeah, you want to hang out sometime? Okay.