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If I ever text you, like, can I do your mom? Just know I'm in a bad place. I'm just like, oh, shit. He's not wanting to live anymore. Okay, so he passed away, but you guys knew he was gonna. Yeah, he was struggling. He was kind of like, okay, the cancer thing, you know, just like, how soon after the consummation, the conversion, the symbiotic relationship of love making. Did he. I think it was like 20 minutes after real. What did you. I don't know. What'd your mom feel like? Yeah, I can't tell if that would be romantic or, like, traumatizing or both. I don't like how much you're smiling about his smile in uncomfortable situations. Trust me, we're all riding the wave. I didn't interview her about it or anything, so I'm not fully sure. No, I didn't expect you to. Just, like, afterwards, if you'd like. Please don't. Ladies and gentlemen, Johnny's mom. I hated when she died. Whoa.