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Do you guys love nicknames? Love nicknames.


Oh, you want me to tell your nickname?


No, I don't like my nickname.


Wait, I want to hear this now. I didn't make it up. What is it? T-word.


His friend's made it up. T-word. It sounds like you're not supposed to say it. That checks out.


I think my nickname is L-B.


L-b? That's cool. Littleest of boys.


Yeah, it's weird. We don't know why he says it. Or little butt.


Your butt is really small. It's really small. That's better than Ms. Poopy. Ms. Poopy?


Oh, you don't know about Ms. Poopy? You're Ms. Poopy?


I'm pretty sure she named herself that.


No, David named me Ms.


Poopy. I don't know if you know this, half of her jokes and banter revolve around fecal matter.


He hates it. I think she maybe just doesn't say it around me. I don't.


No, she's on her best behavior around a little butt.


Little butt and Ms. Poopy. Besties all the way. Will they kiss each other? Probably one day.