Transcribe your podcast

This podcast is being done in our videographer's hotel room, and she texted us 1413, it was the hotel room number, and I read 1013. And we were in 1014. We were jazzed about a different system. We had socks on. We didn't think we'd have to take an elevator.So we go over, we knock.Pretty hard knock.We hear shuffling. You know how you can justTell that someone's terrified on the other side of the screen? That's how I got it. I heard the brushing fragrance of a female somehow. I knew that there was an estrogen human behind that wall, and we felt bad because imagine looking. Basically seeing a bowling alley.


Yeah, a bowling alley. Yeah, you're a pin of a bowling ball.


Imagine seeing just two genuinely… Okay, hold on, we got the snorts.