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Can we improv really quick? Let's say we're two sluts on the town. That's what we call each other. We're not actually sluts. We're at the bar, we're on a date, and ask to come to the bathroom with me, and we'll just pretend we know what girls are going to talk about in the bathroom. I need to quief. Sheila, can you come with me to the bathroom? I need to get in a bath.


I need to use a little girl's trip. Girl's trip.


Jump cut to the bathroom.


Did you discharge? I've got a discharge cleaning kit. No, it's pretty clean right now. I threw in six tampons today because it was a heavy flow. What do you think about Jerry? I am peeing like a racehorse. Describe the color to me. I can tell you I need to drink more. That's what I need to do. Yes, you do. I've been telling you to hydrate. How are you grabbing my things? You just grabbed my... Sheila, are you a guy? You really went for the cooch there, huh? Sorry. I feel like that really just brought us closer in a way I never wanted us to be. You got a big. Sheila, the thing be hanging.