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Zag, what's your favorite memory as a child? Do you have one? I have several. All right, let's hear them. When your dad leaving. My dad didn't leave. He cheated on my mother. Flew off. He flew off to fight in a war. Five tours. Your stepdad leaving. He didn't leave either. Your mom left in these situations? She's a girl boss. No, but what I was about to say was a memory that I like as a kid. What's the Leprechaun Day? What is it? St. Greenhawk Day. What? St. Patrick's Day. Greenhawk Day. During Greenhawk Day, my mom, well, she would get my little woody toy and she would paint the bottom of his feet green and she'd go around the house and put steps around. I thought the leprechaun, the little gremlins would like... That's actually very sweet. It sounds like you're having a pop culture stroke right now.