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My biggest fear in life is death. And Zack, every time that gets brought up, he goes, Well, what was it like in 1872? And I was like, I don't know. He's like, That's what it's going to be like when you die.


Do you think it's just like darkness? That's what I think.


No, I think it's like, What did you do in 1742? And it's like, Wait, I can't even recollect. It's because you didn't exist.


You think you just go into nonexisting? That's really sad.


I know. I think there's an ego play with humans. It's like, How can I nonexist? But maybe it's the same thing as how you were in 1700s. You can't recollect it because you're no longer there. And if that's so, it's very peaceful.