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You go first so that they could potentially get the steal. Speak. I don't like this new rule because I feel like it's too easy. Is it Whisper? Yeah, man. This game is going down in a hellfire. Ship. Could be anything. Pirates. Wait, was that it? No. Why are you mad at him? What else is he supposed to go off of? I'm disappointed. Sink. Titanic? There you go. This just feels rigged now. It does feel like we're doing very well. That's not to say that we know each other better than you guys, because obviously you guys have a bigger connection with all the blood sharing. The rituals we have? Yeah, the rituals. Let's try one more. Okay. Youch. Is that even a word. You mean you don't get it immediately? Pain. Underwear. Wedgey. Okay, dude, this is the game, bro.