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My son, he loves a supermarket for some reason. He's so excited, right? So I'm walking down the aisle and he starts giggling. I was like, What's up, buddy? He points to a woman's cart and he's like, The pineapple. I go, Yeah. He goes, I put it there.


Oh, my God. He's taken after you.


I go, Do I correct him or do I applaud him? And he looks at me and goes, What now? I said, Well, the best part is you get to see the moment when she realizes it. So come here. We hide behind an end cap of Oreo. So we're sitting there and we're watching. The woman comes back and she walks right by her cart. I'm like, Oh, wait, she's going to know us. She goes, and she looks. Then she starts to look around and see what happened. My son loses his shit. He goes, Run. He runs full.


But he yelled, Run. The woman looks at him and he runs full steam. Just this little body down this long aisle. He's by himself. I look back and the woman's holding the pineapple, looking at me. I was like, Oh. I said, Let me explain. Like he's going to do life. He's like, No. That's so sweet. That's really special.