Transcribe your podcast

People have sex at work all the time. You guys talked about it and then did it. I think we were in the dining room, we were eating, and then things got a little heated. It's at least 12 paces to the work set. You could have just bounced it to the living room. Or your bedroom. We were just thinking, Could be fun to have sex on the set. Was it fun? Probably not. No, it was a blast. No. Yeah. I swear, if you liquided... No, I didn't. He liquidated all his assets. I did not liquidate my assets on the set. What was done on my bench? Like, Doggy. She was on the bench. No. Tell me this right now. Did you wipe it off after? Yeah, I did. No, you didn't. Honest to God, I took Clorox wipes and I wiped it down. You have no respect for me or our work. Have you ever done anything on the set? No. That's a lie. No, it's not. I've heard differently. From who? From you. What's he doing on the set? He's lying. You can keep it between me and you. What happened on the set? I had a shit.


That's all I said. I knew it. Fuck you.