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If you don't want to say it, I'll tell you what you told me the other day at... Exactly. You want to keep acting up?


I want to know.


No, it's just she told me she... Nothing. She's like, Well, maybe we're on the East Coast.


No, I didn't say anything. What? Maybe you guys could have a little fun. No.


She said, Whatever happens on the East Coast, stays on the East Coast.I.


Don't know.I did not say that. No, I didn't say that. Never.


I'm not even kidding. I would pay money for you guys to fuck. You're both such catches.


Not to make you say this, but why do you think us individually are catches?


You don't have to say me. Why do you think Zack's catch? That's what he wants to hear.


You know why I think you're a catch. You're a fucking bad bitch and you're everything, and you're a smart, bad bitch, which is hard to come by. I think you're really funny. No, I'm serious. You're a really funny guy. I think that dating you would be a lot of fun.Thank.