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My biggest fear of all time is just the dark.Me too.Basic.


As that term. The dark and the dentist.


I love the dentist. I don't, but I'm just their biggest client right now. So this is this morning, but I hate the dentist.


He goes so frequently. It doesn't even bother me.


I go once every two weeks.


Wait, why? You have fucked up teeth?


Just weak teeth. You can't see it, but like...Weak teeth?Oh, he needs some milk.So I can get cavities very, very quickly if I do not intensely floss three times a day.


They say it has something to do with your spit. My dentist once said my spit is really sweet, and it could make me...


Okay. He know about that? I thought you said my spit is really sweet. No, I'm sorry. Your spit looks so sweet.