Transcribe your podcast

We were at the gym working out, and everyone was looking at his DEXA scan, and I didn't look at it because I was on the clock.


Take out the L, and I wish that's what she was on. Go ahead. Gross.


They said that he had a very large downward region thing. Wiener. Show that on the DEXA scan. I think it's just the outline of another human body.


Well, he and I look different. He goes, Brother, what you got hanging down there? Our body fat percentages were the same when we started. That's where it all went to. That scares me. I didn't know a DEXA scan showed that.


I really don't think it does. I think it does. You know what you guys should do? What? Look at his DEXA scan. And then-Right now?


And then look at his-Wait, can I actually see it? My weaner? Not your weaner.


No, you have to look at both of them to compare.


I have to look at his wiener and the DEXA scan? Your fetish is showing.