Transcribe your podcast

A girl did breakup with me, and I've talked about her on the podcast before, and instead of, like, taking the breakup well, I drove 5 hours to her house.


Are you joking?


No, no, no. Asked if I could experience a few more moments with her, and I don't think she wanted to take me back, but I was gonna try. She's like, well, my family's going to church in the morning. You can stay the night upstairs and go with us in the morning. That's it. I was like, okay, I will take that. And then during the night, I didn't sleep and wrote 16 pages back in front of why we should still be together.


It's like friends. It's like that episode of Friends.


Yeah, that's where we are now.


Did you cheat on her or something? You just broke up?




Why haven't I heard about this?


I like to keep things close to the chest. Do you still have it, or did you give it to her? She still has it.


Can you ask her for it so we could read it the same day we do my Disney one?


I think she found it the other day. When I say the other day, probably three years ago, I was also 18, I think. So. We were long distance, and it wasn't really working out, and I didn't know how to break up with her. We just kind of let the messages between each other get longer and longer distance. The communication was awful.


So you drove 5 hours and 16 pages?


Yeah. Yeah.


It's really romantic. It is.


But I should have done better.