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What happened? Your aunt or something? She maybe looked down her pants. What was that about? Dude, I'm in his home. 2017.


We had just gotten back from getting these tattoos.


His actual grandmother had died the day before. We're all just sitting at the house. Then I'd just hear, I'm like, Zach, come here. I walk up to your aunt.


She was asking us about the tattoos. Zach was like, So, Aunt so and so, do you have any tattoos? And she goes, Oh, yeah, I have one right here. She lifts up her shirt and she starts showing.


Her- It's her pants. She pulled her pants down a little bit. And she was like, Come.


Here, look down here. She was like, Yeah, I have a little picture of a mouse. She wasn't showing her coter, but she was showing her upper thigh. Zach was like, I don't really see it. She was like, No, you got to get closer. And then he got a little bit closer. She was like, Oh, sorry, my.


A day after his grandmother passed away. I've just never been left speechless like that. I had to get in there. I found the mouse. A lot of cheese, too. There's a trap down there. Oh, God. It's a different mouse trap, actually. This one snaps back.