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Are you actually scared of me? I'm going to come sit by you. No, please, Zach. Actually, stop. Zach, no. Please stop. Hello? Get away from me. You can't be scared of the grinch. He's a good guy. He is a good guy. His heart is like three times as big or something. I hate your face right now. Right now? Oh, my God. Can you please sit over there, Zach. I'm begging you. I'm actually begging you. I hate it. Could we share a kiss? Let's pucker up. Get away from me. Stop. All right, I'm starting to feel like I affect women in a negative way, which makes me want to go away. One little hug for the Grinchin'le leaf. No. One hug. Come here. Sorry, yummy. How are you feeling? You're a good kid.